Homes for Sale in Oceana County, MI

210 Results Days on Site (new to old)
$220,000 For Sale
Lot G Hemlock Trail
Shelby, MI 49455
lot: 1.09 acres | Residential Lots & Land
363 × 157 × 312 × 123
$300,000 Active Contingent
Lot L Hemlock Trail
Shelby, MI 49455
lot: 0.71 acres | Residential Lots & Land
310 × 110 × 308 × 96
$22,000 For Sale
1580 E Hammett Road
Hart, MI 49420
Single Family Home
600 sq ft; lot: 5227 sq ft lot
$140,000 For Sale
N 144th Avenue
Walkerville, MI 49459
lot: 35 acres | Residential Lots & Land
$105,000 Active Contingent
Parcel K Carlton Creek Lane
Rothbury, MI 49452
lot: 7.63 acres | Residential Lots & Land
658 × 437 × 657 × 508
$72,500 Active Contingent
Parcel I Carlton Creek Lane
Rothbury, MI 49452
lot: 7.4 acres | Residential Lots & Land
611 × 508 × 658 × 508
$57,500 Active Contingent
Parcel G Carlton Creek Lane
Rothbury, MI 49452
lot: 6.27 acres | Residential Lots & Land
642 × 414 × 644 × 413
$52,500 Active Contingent
Parcel E Carlton Creek Lane
Rothbury, MI 49452
lot: 6.53 acres | Residential Lots & Land
666 × 414 × 642 × 413
$52,500 Active Contingent
Parcel C Carlton Creek Lane
Rothbury, MI 49452
lot: 6.76 acres | Residential Lots & Land
690 × 414 × 666 × 413
$49,500 Active Contingent
Parcel A W McKinley Road
Rothbury, MI 49452
lot: 6.31 acres | Residential Lots & Land
594 × 264 × 117 × 690 × 383
$154,900 For Sale
5900 Water Road
Rothbury, MI 49452
2 beds, 2 baths | Condo/Townhouse
1,100 sq ft
$201,900 For Sale
2605 N 34th Avenue
Mears, MI 49436
lot: 2.35 acres | Residential Lots & Land
$95,000 For Sale
6488 N Castaway Drive #27
Hart, MI 49420
lot: 6534 sq ft lot | Residential Lots & Land
80 × 80
$315,000 For Sale
V/L Hayes
Hesperia, MI 49421
lot: 16.1 acres | Residential Lots & Land
230 × 665
$20,000 For Sale
V/L Connie Lane
Rothbury, MI 49452
lot: 0.69 acres | Residential Lots & Land
200 × 152 × 200 × 149
$64,500 For Sale
V/L Monroe Road
Pentwater, MI 49449
lot: 12197 sq ft lot | Residential Lots & Land
61 × 99 × 135 × 67 × 78
$65,000 For Sale
Silver Vista #lot 2
Mears, MI 49436
lot: 1.12 acres | Residential Lots & Land
335 × 200
$125,000 For Sale
VL Silver Vista Lane #Lot C
Mears, MI 49436
lot: 2.29 acres | Residential Lots & Land
165 × 600
$100,000 For Sale
Johnson Avenue
Shelby, MI 49455
lot: 16 acres | Residential Lots & Land
$159,000 For Sale
5900 Water Road
Rothbury, MI 49452
3 beds, 2 baths | Condo/Townhouse
1,654 sq ft
Listings 181-200 out of 210 Previous 10 11       Next
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